Saturday, December 24, 2016

WOW! Tomi Lahren sure did shut up the Democrats!!! Good and proper!

This video must be shared. Exposes the deceit, lies, and corruption and tells the Snowflakes, crybabies, losers to STFU and Grow up. Make this a perfect Christmas gift for all the Progressive liberal losers you know. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Elimination of Un-Constitutional Legislative Acts!

What President Trump and Congress need to eliminate by taking immediate action to completely abolish.

The Trump administration and Congress are faced with the future of America and must take action immediately to Restore America to a Constitutional Republic and prevent future attempts to destroy the very foundation our country was built upon. The first thing is to abolish all legislative actions passed which do not conform to the "Supreme Law of The Land - The United States Of America Constitution. 
     So what legislation are we talking about? Legislation passed and held as Constitutional by The Supreme Court. Legislation which has never been challenged but is a violation of the Constitution. In 1803 Justice Marshall delivered the Ruling of the case Marbury V Madison. 
     "The powers of the Legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken or forgotten, the Constitution is written. To what purpose are powers limited, and to what purpose is that limitation committed to writing, if these limits may at any time be passed by those intended to be restrained? The distinction between a government with limited and unlimited powers is abolished if those limits do not confine the persons on whom they are imposed.
     Certainly all those who have framed written Constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be that an act of the Legislature repugnant to the Constitution is void.
So exactly what is the full context of this vital ruling which we refer to as the instrument which would authorize the abolishment of so much legislation?

U.S. Supreme Court   Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 1 Cranch 137 137 (1803)

     This abolishment can be done by Congress or by Executive order confirmed by Congress or by the People demanding the abolishment at state levels by having the state nulify all legislation which is repugnant to the Constitution.
There are more then 20,000 legislative acts which are repugnant to the Second Amendment and have already been declared null and void by Marbury V Madison 1803 since they are in no way in compliance with the Constitution on many fronts be sides the Second Amendment. 
All legislation which violates the Constitution regardless where or how it was brought into existence is already a fraud and has no power or authority to be. 
It would take books to write a list of such legislation passed not only at the federal level but at the state and local levels and even by entities which pass ordinances and claim they are legal even while being repugnant to the Constitution.
     One need look no further then all the Homeowner associations. They pass restrictions which violates your individual rights and claim it is done for the good of the community. You want to put a flag in your front yard but the association says the rules say you can't. This is a direct violation of your right to the pursuit of happiness for one and it also violates many other rights. 
 The United States Of America - 2ND REVOLUTION

But many places restricts what you say or what you listen to. If you are in your front yard and say a prayer don't be surprised if the Homeowner association sends you notice that public prayer is prohibited.
    I am sure there are hundreds if not thousands of rules, restrictions, and regulations which you know of that violate the Constitution and our rights. 
All of these need to be abolished and then the Trump Presidency will be able to truly say they are making America Great Again. 

5 Gun Reforms President Trump Will Address Right Away

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


STOP! If you have never shared a video or anything you damn sure need to share this one. It needs to be SEEN by millions and Millions. That requires we all share it anyplace and every place we can.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Why do Liberals think without using common sense reason.

They are given an issued which from their perspective sounds good. No specifics just a issue in a broad frame. Minimum wage being raised is a good starting point and makes complete sense. 
Hell everybody wants to earn more. $15.00 per hour minimum for all workers regardless what labor they do or how good they are at it. HOORAH! Another progressive act is passed and everybody is making more money.

Well let's take a closer look. Much closer and analyze the increase from start to finish. That great idea might just not be so great after all. There are many various factors to consider besides the initial increase such as related expenses which increase along with the wage increase.
Current minimum wage is $7.25 Increasing the minimum wage may seem like a tool to raise low-income workers out of poverty, but it inevitably hurts the very people policymakers intend to help.
So let's start with the additional cost employers pay on top of the 7.25. These costs include 28% for matching the social security contribution, state disability, unemployment and a host of others. So the actual hourly rate is $10.00 per hour. That 28% is, costs in addition to payroll.
Now we will look at what else it has an afect on. Keep in mind The Hamburger or cheeseburger has several companies involved in getting it to you. The company that produces the feed for the beef, the farmer who grows the grain and hay to sell to the cattle farmers who and feed companies. Then the butchers who slaughter the cattle and produce the burgers plus the companies that produce the cheese, the Ketchup, mustard, grow the lettuce, tomatoes, and secret sauce. We are getting you the cheese burger but still need a few more ompanies involved like the company that makes the wrappers, the bread for the bakers to turn into buns and tuckers and trains and airplanes and qho ever else transport the products. A lot of employees have to be involved in your being able to buy a $3.00 cheeseburger.
Guess what is going to happen to the cost of that burger when the minimum wage is increased to $15.00 per hour. Which is more then double the current amount. Mulitiply the increase by the number of people involved in the finished product. For easier understanding we will use 100 people who all get the increase of $7.75 per hour and an increase of $9.92 per employee per hour for employers. So the employees see a increase of $775.00 and of course higher taxes. Sam is going to get theirs first. We will use 33% for the tax rate. So the $15.00 per hour is already reduced to $10.95 and now we have to reduce it even more for Social Security, state taxes, medicare, and other cost. The current tax rate for social security is 6.2% for the employer and 6.2% for the employee, or 12.4% total. The current rate for Medicare is 1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee, or 2.9% total. The employee income after Social Security deduction is 10.02 and $9.80 after Medicare.
But what happens to the cost of the burger from statrt to you geting it because you will be the one paying for the minimum wage increase.
Every company has to increase the cost of their product to cover the increase in wages. The seeds the farmer to plant will now cost more. Say a 2% increase for each step of the process. If the sed now cost the farmer $2000.00 the new cost will be $2040.00 that additional cost is passed on to the cattleman along with the farmer's increased wage cost of $7.75 so the cattleman now sees an increase of 7.75 for each of the farmers workers plus 7.75 for each of jis workers plus an increase in the feed of 2%. So the feed that cost $2,000.00 has now gone up to $3,000.00 to cover the cost of seed and additional labor cost. Got the idea yet? Each company has to increase their product cost or close their business down.
So after the additional wage increase and the increae cost of everthing else the cheeseburger that now cost $3.00 will cost $8.00 or more just to cover the cost of doing business. It will be the same for every consumer poduct so the employee will end up having less then they do now. The cost of living is far above the income levels now and historicly each increae in the minimum wage has see the cost of living increase beyond the amount of the wage. The employee ends up with less spendable income then before the raise in wages.

Raising the Minimum Wage: The Effects on Employment, Businesses and Consumers

When the government imposes a higher minimum wage, employers face higher labor costs and are forced to respond by decreasing other production expenses. As these employers cope with the increased costs of a mandated wage raise, they often respond by cutting the jobs available to less-experienced and less-educated employees. The result is that these individuals, who already have few employment options, find it more difficult to get a job.
Increasing the minimum wage benefits those who already have a job at the expense of the unemployed. However, even those workers who see an increase to their wages may not feel the full benefit of higher pay, as businesses raise prices to compensate for the increase in labor costs. In particular, food prices tend to increase when the minimum wage is increased, exacerbating the problem for those who cannot find work and offsetting gains for those who can.
Most minimum wage employees work in industries with very low profit margins. The restaurant industry, which employs close to hald of the nation’s minimum wage workers,   has an average profit margin of only 2.4 percent. This means that on a $100 restaurant bill, the company only gets to keep $2.40–the rest goes to pay for food costs, rent, labor, etc. This also means that when these employers’ costs increase – like when the minimum wage is hiked – they must raise prices or cut other costs to stay profitable. Raising prices often isn’t an option because customers might stay home if their favored goods and services became more expensive. So, that leaves cutting costs. In practice, this means layoffs, reduced hours, and hiring freezes.
The overwhelming majority of economic research confirms that minimum wage hikes cost jobs. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office expects 500,000 of them to be lost if the minimum wage is increased to $10.10 an hour.
Many commentators still say, however, that lost jobs are a small price to pay for lifting other workers out of poverty through higher wages. However, there is little evidence showing that increasing the minimum wage reduces poverty. Economists at Cornell and American University studied states that raised their minimum wages and found no evidence that the wage hikes reduced poverty.
The truth in the minimum wage debate is that most minimum wage workers don’t need the government to give them a raise; they can get one on their own. Research shows that the vast majority of minimum wage workers earn a raise in their first year on the job. Minimum wage jobs are a stepping-stone, an entry point into the job market to gain skills and quickly make yourself more marketable at higher wage rates. Raising the minimum wage weakens this bottom rung of the career ladder by forcing employers to reduce job opportunities– hurting the very people the wage hike is supposed to help.

A Better Way?
Relative value of non minimum-wage employees
But minimum-wage earners are clearly not the only pay level that will change. Besides the additional cost of salaries for minimum-wage employees, there are likely to be increases for other workers as well. Employees who now make more than minimum-wage people at their company will need to have raises as well. The relative value of an employee – whether perceived by the individual employee, or by his peers or family, can be measured in his or her pay rate as compared to the minimum wage.
What will happen is that people who now make $20 per hour compared to the $10 minimum wage will feel the necessity to make $30 per hour, so they are still worth double the minimum wage.
And since neither the job duties of the minimum-wage earner nor of the higher-wage earner are likely to change, the pay rate must. And don’t forget about the 28% increased burden. This single factor Relative Value Pay Rate will become a huge cost for employers, as all other employees are going to demand pay increases commensurate with their relative values. Whether this results in greater purchasing power or a higher standard of living for minimum wage workers is an open question. And it’s one the government either hasn’t considered or is not discussing.

The bottom line is regardless weather the minimum wage is increased or we choose another wage increase method the cost for everything must increase proportionally which means the workers supposed increase in wage will be dissolved by increased cost of products.

EX CIA Agent Pissed at James Comey! Undercover CIA Will Hurd Confronts F...

Sunday, July 24, 2016

"Constitutional" Doesn't Mean What They Say it Means
Join us and restore the Constitutional Republic.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

1946 Archive Film Proves Despotism Has Taken over America

The 2nd Revolution has begun. JOIN NOW@


You must watch this and share it every place possible! We have started the 2nd Revolution be it peaceful we can only hope but if it becomes a war so be it. Only you can decide which side and what actions you will take to preserve liberty and restore the Republic.

Owners and Moderators please pin this video so every member can watch and see what we are about.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

JOIN TAC, Support the Constitution and Liberty!

We need to support all organizations and groups who work to restore our rights and liberties.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Time for the American people to stop listening to the lying BS and realize they want to deny you of all your rights not just your 2nd amendment right. please share!

Who landed the biggest hit on the campaign trail?

Still support Clinton after she is exposed for treasonous corruption?

Democrats Stage Sit-In Protest In Congress

Ain't life a Bitch! Democrats were fine when they were in control. Now that the Republicans control the democrats have a problem with the house rules they helped create. WHAT GOES AROUND HAS COME AROUND! They are all guilty of treason!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

After reading this if it wakes you up join us and help restore The United States of America and the Republic.
     America is on a precipice and must make a united decision as to the direction American Government will follow. First is the choice of a Republic form of Government that was established when The United States Of America began or an alternate path of Communist Socialism. We The People have been totally absent in the decision process and our representatives have been allowed to choose the path America is heading in. With carefully worded propaganda such as the Phase "For the greater good." we have become complacent and lulled into believing they have America's best interest in mind with the actions they have taken. This has lead us to the very precipice we now stand at.
So to decide with wisdom one must understand each form of Government and there differences otherwise we are making the most important decision in the history of our country blindly and based on the propaganda we hear through others who have already decided which choice you should make. That propaganda comes from opposing views with each touting the praise of their choice in hopes you will believe they offer the ideal answer and not to choose the same as them is ridiculous and unthinkable. To their view the lies and misinformation are mere tools to convince you and therefore are necessary to win irrelevant of the ultimate result for the country.
     A Republic form of Government as has been the basic form of American Government since it's founding. Of course the defining of a republic Government has been altered over time but it remains the basic same except it no longer includes any form of Government in which the Head of state is a not hereditary monarch. Republic form of government in which a state (country) is ruled by representatives of the citizen body. ("We The People") Modern Republics are founded on the idea that "Sovereignty" rest with the people. Who is included and excluded has been eroded over time and has varied across history.
     Because the people do not govern the state (country) themselves, but through elected representatives republics are distinguished from a democracy.
     Many have tried to refer to the United States Of America as a democracy which is 100% wrong! This is one piece of the propaganda used to move away form our Republic Government. A DEMOCRACY, a system in which citizens meet to discuss all policy, and then make decisions by majority rule.
     If we were a democracy the people themselves would vote for every new law or action (such as declaring war or not, raising or lowering taxes, and all other issues)
Have you listened to some political representatives talk about a democratic centralization to reach a decision? So is that correct? Well certainly to some they think so  and here is what they are or want our country to be.
     Another modern version of democracy is called "DEMOCRATIC CENTRALISM," a term made famous by VLADIMIR ULYINOV LENIN. As the leader of the RUSSIAN REVOLUTION in 1917, he established a communist government that allowed no private property to exist. All members of society were theoretically equal. However, Lenin considered a small "vanguard of the revolution" necessary to guide the people and establish order. So a small group of leaders make decisions in the name of the people, based on their perceptions of what the people want and need.
    Many representative believe themselves to be the vanguard of modern day for the people they represent in Government. They believe any conclusion on any subject is what the people must want and except without ever consulting with those people.
     For far to long our representatives have ignored the will of the electorate and voted against what the people have wanted or needed. When questioned about their action/vote the excuse is they did what they did for "The Greater Good."
It is for the greater good if you consider moving America away from being a Republic Government toward a more Democratic Communistic Socialist form of government.
    So exactly what is a Communist Socialist form of government? You need to know the difference between them and how they differ from a Republic form of government.
     Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning. An economic system in which the production and distribution of goods are controlled "substantially by the government" rather than by private enterprise, and in which cooperation rather than competition guides economic activity. Socialism - a government in which the means of planning, producing and distributing goods is controlled by a central government that theoretically seeks a more just and equitable distribution of property and labor; in actuality, most socialist governments have ended up being no more than dictatorships over workers by a ruling elite.
    We now have a picture of what a Republic and Democratic Socialist governments are and how they function and partly on this information we are better prepared to choose the future for our country but..... There is so much more we need to consider to make a well inform decision. Like if Socialism and communism are alike what if we choose socialism what next.
      Communist - a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single -- often authoritarian -- party holds power; state controls are imposed with the elimination of private ownership of property or capital while claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people (i.e., a classless society).
        Wasn't this exactly what the politicians of late are advocating for? Free health for everyone, free education, free phones, free food, free.......... and all for 'THE GREATER GOOD"
     Well what is wrong with all this stuff free? First there is NO FREE Anything! Let me say that again to make sure everybody understands it! "There is NO FREE Anything!"  Under a socialist government or communist government you loose everything you now hold dear. You no longer work for yourself or to provide for your family. Al you make goes to "The greater good." Government regulates every aspect of your life for the instant you are born until you die.
      America is trillions of dollars in debt and you, your children, and children for generations will be paying on the debt. You are paying for all the free stuff and so will generation to come be forced to pay for it. A couple of the current candidates are calling themselves democratic socialist or progressives
So once again to make an intelligent decision we need to look at the progressive movement and see how it works and what it does  or doesn't do for America.
     The Birth of Direct Democracy: What Progressivism Did to the States.
The Progressives’ impatience with the Constitution, their antipathy for checks on government, and their longing to delegate power to administrative experts have had a lasting impact on American politics as Progressivism has gradually been carried forward in successive liberal waves throughout the 20th and now the 21st centuries. Yet Progressivism, for all of its impact on national government, had much more immediate and radical effects on state and local government. In many states and localities, Progressives were able to push through sweeping structural changes, many of which pertain to the common ways in which most Americans interact with government and have become such a familiar part of Americans’ political participation that their departure from our constitutional principles is hardly noticed.
Barack Obama and the Crisis of American Liberalism, the governing agenda of the Obama Administration was made possible by ground that had been prepared through the liberal advances of the Great Society, the New Deal, and some victories of the original Progressives themselves
In short the progressive movement is simply collectivism and or communistic socialist government. From the beginning the lure of FREE STUFF has been used to entice people to support the collective system.
Social Services to Obama Phones we have steadily been advancing toward Progressive collectivism ie. communistic socialism where the central government controls everything and allocates who gets what and when under the disguise of "For the greater good" FREE STUFF and promises of a false future of everything being free a way of life, that cost the American public not only trillions upon trillions of dollars it has literally cost us our values, our morality and our freedoms and rights and lastly our individualism. 
     "Once upon a time in America" there was a movement to ease the hardship of a great depression and make things better for the future. The New Deal, Free stuff, A group of government programs and policies established under President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s; the New Deal was designed to improve conditions for persons suffering in the Great Depression.
           As this section details, both the Depression and the New Deal had
lasting effects on Americans and their government. It marked the start of America moving toward progressivism aka democratic socialism.
With the election of Franklin Roosevelt Democrat (Socialist) he didn't wait for congress to introduce new bills but rather demanded immediate passage of his agenda and ideas.
First he got 10 new programs passed to end the Great depression all of which were "For the greater good."
1. Federal Jobs program known as CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps
The Civilian Conservation Corps was created in 1933 by Franklin D. Roosevelt to combat unemployment. This work relief program had the desired effect and provided jobs for many Americans during the Great Depression. The CCC was responsible for building many public works and created structures and trails in parks across the nation.
     Preparing for WWII.  The CCC operated under the army’s control. Camp commanders had disciplinary powers and corpsmen were required to address superiors as “sir.” By September 1935 over 500,000 young men had lived in CCC camps, most staying from six months to a year. The work focused on soil conservation and reforestation. Most important, the men planted millions of trees on land made barren from fires, natural erosion, or lumbering—in fact, the CCC was responsible for over half the reforestation, public and private, done in the nation’s history. Corpsmen also dug canals and ditches, built over thirty thousand wildlife shelters, stocked rivers and lakes with nearly a billion fish, restored historic battlefields, and cleared beaches and campgrounds. In less than 10 years, the Civilian Conservation Corps built more than 800 parks and planted nearly 3 billion trees nationwide.
Although professing a nondiscriminatory policy, the CCC failed to give a fair share of work to blacks, especially in the South where local selection agents held sway. But in spite of rigid segregation and hiring quotas, black participation reached 10 percent by 1936.
In all, nearly 3 million young men participated in the CCC The army’s experience in managing such large numbers and the paramilitary discipline learned by corpsmen provided unexpected preparation for the massive call-up of civilians in World War II.
Next came CWA - Civil Works Administration
The Civil Works Administration was created in 1933 to create jobs for the unemployed. Its focus on high paying jobs in the construction arena. Like usual with well intended socialist programs it resulted in a much greater expense to the federal government than originally anticipated. The CWA ended in 1934 in large part due to opposition to its cost. President Roosevelt signed the Executive Order establishing this jobs program on Nov. 8, 1933, upon the instigation of Harry Hopkins, who was already the head of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA). But, whereas FERA was limited to providing relief in the form of handouts to those who could prove their indigence, the CWA was devoted to creating jobs that paid wages, and stimulated the productive economy as well. Hopkins was designated the head of the new program.
     First of all, the CWA was established as a clear, and unbureaucratic, response to an emergency, the fact that the onset of the winter of 1933-34 was likely to bring a level of privation, including starvation, that would devastate the country. The Public Works Administration (PWA), which had been established by the passage of the National Recovery Act, and had the mandate to carry out substantial public works in the area of infrastructure, was moving at a snail's pace, and not showing significant results in the job market. And the private sector was still collapsed.
     Secondly, the CWA was a fully Federal program, in which those employed were Federal employees. The provisions called for one-half of the jobs to go to those who were on relief (today's welfare), and the other half to anyone else who needed work. In both cases, this meant a considerable upgrading of conditions. Those who came from relief now received wages at minimum wage, rather than charity— an increase from $6.50 to $15.00 a week. The other workers did not have to submit to a "means test," (proving you have absolutely no assets) in order to get an income.
     The 3rd program implemented by Roosevelt was the FHA - Federal Housing Administration. The Federal Housing Administration was a government agency created to combat the housing crisis of the Great Depression. The large number of unemployed workers combined with the banking crisis created a situation in which banks recalled loans. The FHA was designed to regulate mortgages and housing conditions. In 2008 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lost 14.9 billion in secondary mortgages due to mis-mangement and loans to unqualified borrowers who couldn't repay the loans. Another failed government social program.
     4th FSA - Federal Security Agency The Federal Security Agency established in 1939 had the responsibility for several important government entities. Until it was abolished in 1953, it administered social security, federal education funding, and food and drug safety. The Federal Security Agency (FSA) was an independent agency of the United States government established in 1939 pursuant to the Reorganization Act of 1939. For a time, the agency oversaw food and drug safety as well as education funding and the administration of public health programs and the Social Security old-age pension plan.
The Reorganization Act of 1939 authorized the President of the United States to devise a plan to reorganize the executive branch of government. Pursuant to the Act, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued "Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1939" on April 25, 1939. The reorganization plan was designed to reduce the number of agencies reporting directly to the president.
The reorganization plan created the cabinet-level Federal Security Agency. Included in the FSA were the Social Security Board, the U.S. Public Health Service, the Food and Drug Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Office of Education (later the United States Department of Education), the National Youth Administration and a number of other agencies.  Its first director was Paul V. McNutt. Secretly, the FSA was also a cover agency from 1942 to 1944 for the War Research Service, a secret program to develop chemical and biological weapons.
President Harry S. Truman attempted to make the FSA a department of the federal government, but this legislation was defeated.
In 1949, the United States Congress enacted the "Reorganization Act of 1949" (5 U.S.C. 901). Subsequently, President Dwight D. Eisenhower promulgated "Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1953." The Federal Security Agency was abolished and most of its functions were transferred to the newly formed United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare
      5th. HOLC Home owners loan Corporation.  The typical HOLC loan before 1939 was an amortized 15-year loan, compared with the 3-6 year mortgages offered by commercial banks and the 10-12 year loans offered by Building and Loans in the 1920s. The interest rate on the original HOLC loans was 5 percent at a time when most mortgage loans were being offered at an interest rate of 6 to 8 percent. In 1939 the corporation lowered the interest rate to 4 1/2 percent for a large group of borrowers. The HOLC loans were typically amortized, so that there were equal payments each month on the loan. This contrasts with interest-only loans in the 1920s in which the borrower would make payments equal to the interest on the loan each month until the end of the loan and then repay the principal (the amount borrowed) at the end of the loan. Until the early 1930s borrowers often paid the principal owed by taking out a new loan. When the economy fell apart in the 1930s it became very difficult to borrow and many borrowers could not repay the principal owed at the end of the loan. It also contrasts with loans at Building and Loans (B&L) in the 1920s, which often lasted 10 to 12 years. The B&L loans were hybrid loans that combined an interest-only loan and a contract to buy shares in the Building and Loan. The borrower would make equal payments on the hybrid loans until the value of the building and loan shares was equal to the principal. At that point the loan was fully repaid. If the value of the shares fell, it took longer to fully repay the loan. This became a major problem in the 1930s. In contrast, the HOLC loans were direct reduction loans in which some payment of the principal owed was made each month; therefore, the length of the loan would not change unless the borrower failed to make payments. The direct reduction loan has become the most common type of American mortgage. HOLC is often cited as the originator of mortgage redlining, although, this claim has also been disputed. The racist attitudes and language found in the appraisal sheets and Residential Security Maps created by the HOLC likely gave federal support to existing bias and racial antipathy in society at large. HOLC also manipulated housing prices through holding down the number of homes made available for sale. The HOLC eventually foreclosed on 20 percent of the loans that it refinanced. It tended to wait until the borrower had failed to make payments on the loan for more than a year before it foreclosed on the loan. When the HOLC foreclosed, it typically refurbished the home. In many cases it rented out the home until it could be resold. HOLC officially ceased operations in 1951, when its last assets were sold to private lenders. HOLC was only applicable to nonfarm homes, worth less than $20,000. HOLC also assisted mortgage lenders by refinancing problematic loans and increasing the institutions liquidity. When its last assets were sold in 1951, HOLC turned a small profit.
      6th. NIRA - National Industrial Recovery Act. National Industrial Recovery Act, U.S. labour legislation (1933) that was one of several measures passed by Congress and supported by Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt in an effort to help the nation recover from the Great Depression. The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) was an unusual experiment in U.S. history, as it suspended antitrust laws and supported an alliance of industries.
Under the NIRA, companies were required to write industrywide codes of fair competition that effectively fixed wages and prices, established production quotas, and placed restrictions on the entry of other companies into the alliances. These codes were a form of industry self-regulation and represented an attempt to regulate and plan the entire economy to promote stable growth and prevent another depression.
Employees were given the right to organize unions and could not be required, as a condition of employment, to join or to refrain from joining a labour organization. Prior to this act, the courts had upheld the right of employers to go to great lengths to prevent the formation of unions. Companies could fire workers for joining unions, force them to sign a pledge not to join a union as a condition of employment, require them to belong to company unions, and spy on them to stop unionism before it got started.
The law created the National Recovery Administration (NRA) to promote compliance. The NRA was chiefly engaged in drawing up industrial codes for companies to adopt and was empowered to make voluntary agreements with companies regarding hours of work, rates of pay, and prices to charge for their products. More than 500 such codes were adopted by various industries, and companies that voluntarily complied could display a Blue Eagle emblem in their facilities, signifying NRA participation.
The NIRA was declared unconstitutional in May 1935 when the Supreme Court issued its unanimous decision in the case Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States. The court ruled that the NIRA assigned lawmaking powers to the NRA in violation of the Constitution’s allocation of such powers to Congress. Many of the labor provisions in the NIRA, however, were reenacted in later legislation.
      7th. PWA - Public Works Administration. The Public Works Administration was a program created to provide economic stimulus and jobs during the Great Depression. The PWA was designed to create public works and continued until the US ramped up wartime production for World War II. 
Created by the National Industrial Recovery Act on June 16, 1933, the Public Works Administration (PWA) budgeted several billion dollars to be spent on the construction of public works as a means of providing employment, stabilizing purchasing power, improving public welfare, and contributing to a revival of American industry. Simply put, it was designed to spend "big bucks on big projects." Frances Perkins had first suggested a federally financed public works program, and the idea received considerable support from Harold Ickes, James Farley, and Henry Wallace. After having scaled back the initial cost of the PWA, FDR agreed to include the administration as part of his New Deal reforms.
      More than any other New Deal program, the PWA epitomized the Rooseveltian notion of "priming the pump" to encourage economic growth. Between July 1933 and March 1939, the PWA funded the construction of more than 34,000 projects, including airports, electricity-generating dams, and aircraft carriers; and seventy percent of the new schools and one third of the hospitals built during that time. It also electrified the Pennsylvania Railroad between New York and Washington, D.C. Its one big failure was in quality, affordable housing, building only 25,000 units in four and one half years.
      The PWA spent over $6 billion, but did not succeed in returning the level of industrial activity to pre-depression levels. Nor did it significantly reduce the unemployment level or help jump-start a widespread creation of small businesses. FDR, personally opposed to deficit spending, refused the spend the sums necessary to accomplish these goals. Nonetheless, the historical legacy of the PWA is perhaps as important as its practical accomplishments at the time. It provided the federal government with its first systematic network for the distribution of funds to localities, ensured that conservation would remain an element in the national discussion, and provided federal administrators with a broad amount of badly needed experience in public policy planning.
     When FDR moved industry toward war production and abandoned his opposition to deficit spending, the PWA became irrelevant and was abolished in June 1941.
      8th. SSA - Social Security Act. The Social Security Act was designed to combat the widespread poverty among senior citizens. The government program provided income to retired wage earners. The program has become one of the most popular government programs and is funded by current wage earners and their employers. The Social Security Act of 1935 was created during Franklin D. Roosevelt 's first term by the President's Committee on Economic Security, under Frances Perkins, and passed by Congress as part of the Second New Deal. The act was an attempt to limit what was seen as dangers in the modern American life, including old age, poverty, unemployment, and the burdens on widows and fatherless children. By signing this act on August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt became the first president to advocate federal assistance for the elderly.
The Act provided benefits to retirees and the unemployed, and a lump-sum benefit at death. Payments to current retirees are financed by a payroll tax on current workers' wages, half directly as a payroll tax and half paid by the employer. The act also gave money to states to provide assistance to aged individuals (Title I), for unemployment insurance (Title III), Aid to Families with Dependent Children (Title IV), Maternal and Child Welfare (Title V), public health services (Title VI), and the blind (Title X).
     9th. TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority.  The TVA was and is a federally owned corporation that works in this region to this day. It is the largest public provider of electricity in the United States. President Roosevelt signed the Tennessee Valley Authority Act on May 18, 1933, creating the TVA as a Federal corporation. The new agency was asked to tackle important problems facing the valley, such as flooding, providing electricity to homes and businesses, and replanting forests. Other TVA responsibilities written in the act included improving travel on the Tennessee River and helping develop the region’s business and farming. The establishment of the TVA marked the first time that an agency was directed to address the total resource development needs of a major region. TVA was challenged to take on—in one unified development effort—the problems presented by devastating floods, badly eroded lands, a deficient economy, and a steady out-migration. The most dramatic change in Valley life came from the electricity generated by TVA dams. Electric lights and modern appliances made life easier and farms more productive. Electricity also drew industries to the region, providing desperately needed jobs.
     Today, TVA is the largest public power company in the United States. The agency also carefully runs the nation’s fifth-largest river system in order to control flooding, make rivers easier to travel, provide recreation, and protect water quality. As a Federal public power corporation, the TVA serves about 80,000 square miles in the southeastern United States. This area includes most of Tennessee and parts of six other states—Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia. TVA’s facilities for generating electric power include 29 hydroelectric dams, a pumped-storage plant, 11 coal-fired plants, 3 nuclear plants, and 4 combustion-turbine installations. These facilities provide over 27,000 megawatts of dependable generating capacity. TVA typically produces more than 130 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity a year, making it the largest electric power producer in the country. TVA provides electric power to 160 local, municipal, and cooperative power distributors through a network of about 17,000 miles of transmission lines.
     10th. WPA - Works Progress Administration. On May 6th, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an executive order creating the Works Progress Administration (WPA). The WPA was just one of many Great Depression relief programs created under the auspices of the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act, which Roosevelt had signed the month before. The WPA, the Public Works Administration (PWA) and other federal assistance programs put unemployed Americans to work in return for temporary financial assistance. Out of the 10 million jobless men in the United States in 1935, 3 million were helped by WPA jobs alone.
     While FDR believed in the elementary principles of justice and fairness, he also expressed disdain for doling out welfare to otherwise able workers. So, in return for monetary aid, WPA workers built highways, schools, hospitals, airports and playgrounds. They restored theaters–such as the Dock Street Theater in Charleston, S.C.–and built the ski lodge at Oregon’s Mt. Hood. The WPA also put actors, writers and other creative arts professionals back to work by sponsoring federally funded plays, art projects, such as murals on public buildings, and literary publications. FDR safeguarded private enterprise from competition with WPA projects by including a provision in the act that placed wage and price controls on federally funded products or services.
     Opponents of the New Deal in Congress gradually pared back WPA appropriations in the years leading up to World War II. By 1940, the economy was roaring back to life with a surge in defense-industry production and, in 1943, Congress suspended many of the programs under the ERA Act, including the WPA.
   Liberal Progressive Socialistic programs listed above marked the change of direction of America from individual freedoms to Government controlled programs "For the greater good" FDR was a dictator and circumvented congressional powers through executive orders which he considered the law and many of which have been struck down by SCOTUS
     In the 1930s, the Supreme Court struck down many pieces of Roosevelt's New Deal legislation, including the Railroad Retirement Act. The Court threw out a centerpiece of the New Deal, the National Industrial Recovery Act, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and New York State's minimum-wage law. President Roosevelt responded with an attempt to pack the court via the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937. On February 5, 1937, he sent a special message to Congress proposing legislation granting the President new powers to add additional judges to all federal courts whenever there were sitting judges age 70 or older who refused to retire.[3] The practical effect of this proposal was that the President would get to appoint six new Justices to the Supreme Court (and 44 judges to lower federal courts), thus instantly tipping the political balance on the Court dramatically in his favor. The debate on this proposal lasted over six months. Beginning with a set of decisions in March, April, and May 1937 (including the Social Security Act cases), the Court would sustain a series of New Deal legislation[4] Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes played a leading role in defeating the court-packing by rushing these pieces of New Deal legislation through and ensuring that the court's majority would uphold it.
In March 1937, Associate Justice Owen Roberts, who had previously sided with the court's four conservative justices, shocked the American public by siding with Hughes and the court's three liberal justices in striking down the court's previous decision in the 1923 case Adkins v. Children's Hospital, which held that minimum wage laws were a violation of the Fifth Amendment's due process clause and were thus unconstitutional, and upheld the constitutionality of Washington state's minimum wage law in West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish. In 1936, Roberts joined the four conservative justices in using the Adkins decision to strike down a similar minimum wage law New York state enforced in Morehead v. New York ex rel. Tipaldo[6] and his decision to reverse his previous vote in the Morehead decision would be known as the switch in time that saved nine. In spite of widespread speculation that Roberts only agreed to join the court's majority in upholding New Deal legislation, such as the Social Security Act, during the spring of 1937 because of the court packing plan, Hughes wrote in his autobiographical notes that Roosevelt's court reform proposal "had not the slightest effect on our [the court's] decision" in the Parrish case[7]:419 and that the delayed announcement of the decision created the false impression that the Court had retreated under fire, Following the vast support that was demonstrated for the New Deal through Roosevelt's re-election in 1936,  Hughes persuaded Roberts to no longer base his decisions on political maneuvering and side with him in future cases that involved New Deal legislation.
Records show Roberts had indicated his desire to overturn the Adkins decision two days after oral arguments concluded for the Parrish case on December 19, 1936.  During this time, however, the court was divided 4-4 following the initial conference call because Associate Justice Harlan Fiske Stone, one of the three liberal justices who continuously voted to uphold New Deal legislation, was absent due to an illness; with this even division on the Court, the holding of the Washington Supreme Court, finding the minimum wage statute constitutional, would stand. As Hughes desired a clear and strong 5–4 affirmation of the Washington Supreme Court judgment, rather than a 4–4 default affirmation, he convinced the other justices to wait until Stone's return before both deciding and announcing the case.
     Since 1933 we have rapidly been moving toward a democratic socialist country and away from our basic rights and freedoms. Of course this would be a huge book if all the legislation enacted between 1933 and now, 2016 was listed . What the people need to think about as to freedoms lost requires no more thought then that of what you use to be free to do and is now that same action is controlled and regulated by some level of Government and is in reality nothing more then the Government's way to control you as an individual under the guise of "For The Greater Good."

      DSA  Democratic Socialists of America. We all know Bernie Sanders is a self proclaimed Democratic Socialist. Where We Stand: Building the Next Left
     The following text is directly from Democratic Socialist of America's web site:   "At the beginning of the 20th century, a young and vibrant socialist movement anticipated decades of great advances on the road to a world free from capitalist exploitation -- a socialist society built on the enduring principles of equality, justice and solidarity among peoples.
At the end of the 20th century, such hope and vision seem all but lost. The unbridled power of transnational corporations, underwritten by the major capitalist nations, has created a world economy where the wealth and power of a few is coupled with insecurity and downward mobility for the vast majority of working people -in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Traditional left prescriptions have failed on both sides of the Communist/socialist divide. Global economic integration has rendered obsolete both the social democratic solution of independent national economies sustaining a strong social welfare state and the Communist solution of state-owned national economies fostering social development."
      In the United States, the rise of global capitalism has been accompanied by the increasing strength of conservative and corporate elites and the weakening of social movements and trade unions that have historically been the backbone of mass liberalism. As a result, many socialists and progressives have come to question the tactics and policies that have long comprised the political program of the Left.
     We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, environmental destruction, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo. We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane international social order based both on democratic planning and market mechanisms to achieve equitable distribution of resources,meaningful work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships. A democratic socialist politics for the 21st century must promote an international solidarity dedicated to raising living standards across the globe, rather than "leveling down" in the name of maximizing profits and economic efficiency. Equality, solidarity, and democracy can only be achieved through international political and social cooperation aimed at ensuring that economic institutions benefit all people. Democratic socialists are dedicated to building truly international social movements - of unionists, environmentalists, feminists, and people of color -that together can elevate global justice over brutalizing global competition.
     So Since the Democratic party has embraced these concepts and Hillary supports this agenda she without admitting it is a Democratic Socialist look to enslave the people to the will of government. With the government dictating what you earn so you can never advance your position in life. If you are a cook and are the world's top chef as far as knowledge and ability well you have you assigned job and your set wage and being blunt that is all you will ever have.
I will continue the research and post more on the Democratic Socialist take over of our way of life. 

What America decides will either advance the Democratic Communistic Socialism or return us to a freedom loving Republic.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Check out our poll at Join us and voice your opinion. Scandal will die or another cover up for Hillary. We want your vote and to have you join the discussion.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

LGBTQ Rights and the Gay Transgender agenda. Full Documentary Film. Spec...

It time we all start referring to them for what they are. Traitors to American values and the Republic. Time to quit pussy footing around worried we might hurt a liberal's feelings. Let make this viral share everywhere and with every patriot. join us

Friday, June 10, 2016

Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be Our Next President

Just another American Traitor treasonous bitch, Hillary and the rest in Government. It time we all start referring to them for what they are. Traitors to American values and the Republic. Time to quit pussy footing around worried we might hurt a liberal's feelings.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Clinton Chronicles - The Murder Of Hillary Clinton's Lover Vince Foster

I will be posting much more of and about Crooked Hillary and hope everybody will share the information with as many as possible. Yes the reason is to help stop Hillary from the Presidency.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

COMMUNISTS IN U.S. GOV'T: Socialists Marxists Mao ACORN SEIU Pelosi Bill...

Yes I am on a rant of sorts because this election more then any in history. We are choosing a direction,freedom and restoring our rights or continuing to become a communistic socialist country. Time to demand our representatives support and uphold the Constitution as written including all rights given by our creator. Time for us to quit standing on the sidelines and take real action. GET INVOLVED TODAY! RESTORE AMERICA!
Watch, pause, watch again and learn who our traitors truly are.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton Argue About Gun Control

Think The Democratic candidates are for your rights being protected then think again. these socialistic, communistic bunch must be stopped NOW!