Fighting the 2014 Ebola Virus Outbreak Street by Street | The New York T...
The POTUS has things are improving and there is no need for us to do anything more then temperature screening. If Treatment centers are overflowing how are things improving?
Mutant Ebola warning: Leading U.S. scientist warns deadly virus is already changing to become more contagious Fears that the deadly virus could mutate and become even more contagious Dr Peter Jahrling says amount of virus in patients is higher than expected The U.S. scientist says new strain of Ebola may burn 'hotter and quicker' This would mean that the disease would spread more easily Comes as David Cameron urged EU to commit £800m to tackling virus UK is also stepping up Ebola checks with screening extended at airports Manchester and Birmingham also set to screen passengers from West Africa But U.S. health experts say banning travellers entering U.S. from affected region would be a bad idea The deadly Ebola virus could be mutating to become even more contagious, a leading U.S scientist has warned. The disease has killed nearly 4,000 people, infecting in excess of 8,000 - the majority in the West African nations of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.
Communities lie in ruins, thousands of children have been orphaned, millions face starvation but the virus continues its unprecedented pace, invading and destroying vast swathes of these countries.
Meanwhile three nurses, two in the U.S. and one in Spain have caught the infection while treating Ebola patients, despite wearing protective suits.
Now U.S. scientist Peter Jahrling of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease believes the current Ebola outbreak may be caused by an infection that spreads more easily than it did before.
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