A different point of view on the Violence
The violence exposed and explained.
Depending on your personal opinions and political stance you view the world through vastly different perspectives.
We will explore or attempt to explore by views of the current political arena. Looking at it from the election going forward to now.
From around midnight eastern time in November depending on your location you learned Donald J Trump had won the election and defeated Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton and would be the next President Of The United States Of America and the Republic. You were either elated that your candidate had won or you were 100% completely shocked at the outcome.
For months on end the main stream media prepared America for the coronation of Hillary and gave Trump absolutely no chance of winning even many so called red states. Daily the media announced her win by a historic landslide beating Trump worse then at any other time in the history of the country. So what changed and why did liberals seem to be so frustrated and yes down right mad that Hillary had lost?
Looking at it from a liberal Hillary supporter view it was a hard slap in the face by an upstart businessman with supposedly zero political experience. Excuses flew like confetti at a Thanksgiving day parade.
It was Comey making his announcement of renewing the investigation or his statement saying she had did things wrong and careless but not criminal in his opinion. That was the tip of the iceberg of excuses none of which would alter the outcome but did fuel the anger toward Trump and his deplorable supporters.
The atmosphere of hate and potential violence had already been well established months prior to the day of the election but was far from over. Commentators, and news anchors further fueled the hate and potential violence with reporting and statements which would later be debunked as fake news reports and stories which have dogged the new President even until this writing. One accusation after another designed to damage the administration without a single shred of evidence to support their claims. Celebrities have contributed their fair share and deserve some of the blame for the escalating violence. Calling for the President to be punched in the face, or claims of a desire to blow up the white house, to acts which even some liberals called despicable like holding a beheaded likeness of Trump up ISIS style and claiming it was done for laughs.
All of these actions were/are designed and carried out to keep the Hillary supporters angry, and ready for war to prove a point that the only correct view and position is the liberal one, and bring down a setting President without any justification for such action. This has progressed to a point were even setting representatives like Maxine Waters, Green and Schumer have jumped on the bandwagon calling for impeachment without grounds or proof for such drastic action but rather simply because they hate that he won and they disagree with his position on many issues.
So what has all of this managed to achieve and for what purpose?
Division of the people and it's as simple as that. Keep the masses fighting each other and the elite can continue the destruction of America unnoticed.
That's right everything is done with a purpose and the Puppet Masters are pulling everybody's strings at the same time to reach their agenda's goals.
They incite the left to violence and and have them attack the right or at least what is perceived as the right which might be people who lean toward their own beliefs.
Simply having a R in front of ones name does not make you a conservative or dictate ones position or views. Many so called Republicans are further to the left then some Democrats. Yet the scenario of hate is if they appear to disagree with the liberal position in the slightest then they must be eliminated with force if Necessary.
The destruction of other's property is not only condoned but the act itself somehow justified as taking a stand for the liberal position. Killing a few people who fit into the basket of deplorables by disagreement is also condoned and applauded as some how furthering the liberal agenda and justified
The recent shooting of the Republicans near DC was justified by saying the shooter was frustrated with politics. What kind of excuse is that? We all get frustrated but that in no ways or by any means can justify attempting to take the lives of others.
Groups such as Terminate The Republicans promote such violence through the propaganda they spew they claim they are abhorred by the actions taken by a member. This is equal to Stalin telling his SS troops to kill as many Jews as possible then proclaiming he knew nothing of the reasons so many were killed.
When liberals are called hypocrites they act as if there is absolutely no reason for such a label being placed on then. Righteous Indignation flows from the liberal at the mere thought that somehow they should take blame for the violence after all if those opposed to the liberal view would just give up then the liberal agenda could be put in place and the world made right. It's not the liberals who act violent responsibility to explain those who oppose them are the ones behind such violent actions.